Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beautiful Mornings!

The title of this post is taken from an ad campaign of a popular fastfood chain. I believe it captures the essence of why mornings are great. It’s because of breakfasts.

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Here are some ways that I enjoy breakfast:

Breakfast at McDonald’s. Now as a marketer, I believe that any form of advertisement should have some sort of compensation. Hence, I wouldn’t normally mention any brand names in any message I would convey publicly. But this is an exception. Breakfast at McDonald’s forms a vital component in my weekly routine (before it was daily). I would sometimes stop by at the nearest McDonald’s branch from my office and take my time eating their breakfast meal with coffee. My order always has to be with coffee.

Breakfast when out-of-town. They say pictures paint a thousand words, so I’m not gonna use many words here.

Breakfast in the office. I usually bring a loaf of bread to the office and have coffee while reading the news. Sometimes, my officemates would also bring food and we’ll exchange stories while sharing our food. What a lovely way to start stressful work days.

So many ways to enjoy breakfast. I even think breakfast dates can be more romantic than dinner dates. Don’t you agree?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thank God For Friends

I’ve had a friend whom I’ve known since I was 8. Fifteen years later, we’re still very close. Thank God for her for entertaining me tonight after a very stressful Monday. These are some of the things I appreciate about her:

She feeds me. The beauty of having her as neighbor all my life is that I can drop by her house anytime and forage their food supply. I think I take up a significant share of their monthly food expense.

She has ESP. This is freaky. But I love her for this. Just last week I was feeling really down and she just texted me out of the blue to ask how I was. It’s also not the first time she did it.

She’s a safety net. Always dependable. Always there when you need her most.

She feeds me. I can’t emphasize this enough.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

For Starters

I've created this blog for a few weeks now but haven't posted anything. I've never really posted anything online before so this will be my first. I just copied and pasted what I wrote on Facebook's "25 random things." I'm still warming up to the practice of writing blogs. So here's 25 random things about me...

1. when i can't sleep at night, i just hug my sister (usually already sleeping like a log by then) until i feel sleepy.

2. my sense of direction is hopeless. when i walk into a mall or any establishment, it's like having a lab rat enter a maze.

3. i'm usually the fastest typist among any crowd. i can go as fast as more than a hundred words per minute.

4. i never need house keys. i can fit my fist into the 2x2inch square holes of our metal door.

5. when i find out the scientific/technical word to something, i tend to use that word even in ordinary conversations. i don't mean to sound high-falutin when i do that, i just want to be precise so that there'll be no room for misinterpretation.

6. drinking coffee, tea, or milk tea gives me some form of relief, i never go through the challenges of a day without drinking any/all of the above.

7. i like long trips. i can sit for hours in a moving vehicle, but i feel very restless
when stuck in non-moving traffic for more than 10mins.

8. i never liked self-introduction. after many years of doing it since the first time we did it in grade school, i still never know what to say about myself when asked.

9. i used to eat at mcdonald's for breakfast everyday of the week. now that i'm cutting cost (and for my health's sake), i try to do it every weekends only.

10. for some reason, i don't use capital letters anymore when typing. i used to adhere strictly to rules such as that.

11. i can multi-task only when one of those tasks requires thinking, and the other tasks only require physical movement. in essence, i can multi-task, but i can't multi-think.

12. my favorite number is 16. i also like 4. i like them basically because they're square numbers.

13. i can't swallow mashed potatoes, oatmeal or juice with pulp without chewing first. i believe that as long as it's solid, it has to be chewed.

14. when i see a thin sheet of glass or mirror, i would always imagine myself chewing off the corner of that glass or mirror.

15. i need to chew food when i'm stressed.

16. i have a thing about chewing.

17. the quality of my handwriting seems to degrade as years go by. sometimes, i myself can't understand my own notes anymore.

18. when i'm excited, i can tell you why i'm excited in only a fraction of the time needed to tell the story and it's usually delivered in a pitch that sometimes only dogs can hear.

19. i dream to build my own milk tea brand someday.

20. my favorite movie of all time is you've got mail.

21. when i was a kid, i was a tv addict. i can recite the commercials verbatim by heart. up to now, i only watch tv for the commercials.

22. i tried to audition for the school choir in grade school. i didn't get accepted. i attempted to join the church musical play when i was in college but failed again. i've now accepted the fact that i can't carry a tune.

23. i used to drink milk everyday when i was a kid. for some reason, i'm now lactose intolerant.

24. i always predict my cause of death will either be cancer or mad cow disease.

25. my greatest fear for the next few years is to have 3 more wisdom teeth extracted.

Special thanks to rom for inspiring me to write blogs. Naks! Palibhasa we follow each other's blogs. Hahaha.