Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Disturbing a peaceful ecosystem

I haven't had much problems with my oral hygiene for the last decade, except when i needed to extract my wisdom tooth. All four of my wisdom teeth are impacted, and i've made it an annual activity to have them extracted one by one (not because i want to prolong the agony, but because my pain tolerance is very low and i can only handle one extraction at a time).

I had my 3rd wisdom tooth extracted 3 weeks ago. It has been by far the worst I had in terms of impact to my gums. The doctor actually used scissors and drills on me. Up to now, I still can't fully chew with my left side of the mouth, I still feel the pain of the wound. I especially feel the wound when I'm gargling and desperately trying to get rid of the stuck food particles. I can still feel the wound so vividly that I now refer to my recent experience as the great wisdom tooth excavation.

I hope my fourth and last wisdom tooth won't be as bad.

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